Seasons Greetings
As we approach the close of 2024, it’s time to reflect on the highs and lows of the year. Those of us working in this space know it comes with challenges, but it is also incredibly rewarding.
I’m thankful to have a network of friends and colleagues who keep me grounded, helping me remember why I’m so passionate about the work we do at Environmental Accounting Services.
We’ve had a truly impactful year, and I’m excited to share some of our milestones and highlights with you.
Stay connected by following us on LinkedIn and subscribe to our mailing list for timely updates and insights.
– Carly

2024 Project Highlights
This year, we had the privilege of collaborating on several key projects locally and internationally, each contributing to our collective progress towards a more sustainable future.
Collaborating on Blue Carbon Research with The Nature Conservancy
We partnered with The Nature Conservancy, Ministry for the Environment, and other research partners to explore blue carbon opportunities in New Zealand’s coastal wetlands. The project identified barriers and opportunities for generating carbon credits by restoring wetlands, aiming to inform policy and guide ecosystem management.
Engaging in Critical Discussions on Voluntary Carbon Markets and National Targets in Developing Countries
At a workshop hosted by SilvaCarbon and the Global Forest Observations Initiative (GFOI) at the USGS, we discussed Voluntary Carbon Markets (VCMs) and their connection with National Forest Monitoring Systems (NFMS), focusing on improving carbon credit quality and preventing double counting.
Contributing to the IPCC Expert Meeting on Land Use Emissions
I participated in the IPCC Expert Meeting in Italy, discussing the role of Earth Observations in tracking emissions progress for the Paris Agreement. The meeting also explored variations in global models and national GHG inventories, guiding future policy decisions.
Science-Based Targets in Agriculture: A Session with AgVic
We joined AgVic’s On Farm Emissions Community to discuss Science-Based Targets in the food and fibre supply chain. This session sparked thoughtful discussions on how to drive greenhouse gas reductions in agriculture.
Philippines National Forest Monitoring Workshop
In October, Dr Felicity Thomas and I led a workshop in the Philippines to enhance the national forest monitoring system under the REDD+ framework, helping improve deforestation monitoring and supporting forest conservation efforts.
GHG Emissions and Sequestration at Hakataramea Field Day
We had the opportunity to present our GHG emissions and sequestration case studies at the Hakataramea Sustainability Collective field day. The focus was on the potential of planting projects for shade, shelter, and sequestration, as well as their role in the Emissions Trading Scheme to reduce net farm emissions. We had many insightful discussions with experts from Wildland Consultants Ltd and Laurie Forestry Ltd on selecting the right species for the catchment.
Capturing the State of Our Catchment: A Local Project
We worked with WAI Wānaka and local stakeholders to assess the health of the Upper Clutha Catchment, developing a pilot framework and interactive ‘Catchment Health’ dashboard to connect environmental and social health indicators.
Pioneering Sustainable Fisheries with Moana New Zealand
We collaborated with Moana New Zealand in their journey to implement science-based targets for the fishing industry. This initiative focuses on maintaining ecological balance and promoting responsible fisheries management, setting a benchmark for global sustainability practices. The work aligns with Moana’s long-term commitment to the health of New Zealand’s marine ecosystems.
Local Highlights
Celebrating Wao’s 2024 Impact and Looking Ahead to Summit 2025
As a Trustee of the Wao Board, I’m incredibly proud of the strides we’ve made in our South Island community. This year has been filled with momentum, thanks to the dedication of my fellow board members—Monique Kelly, Arna Craig, Ian Horne, Claire Akin-Smith, Geoff Tomkins, Julia Blackford, and Alexia Preston, along with the invaluable support of our team at Environmental Accounting Services (EAS).
The 2024 Wao Summit was a resounding success, bringing together sustainability leaders for insightful discussions and masterclasses. I had the privilege of leading a session on “Better Building,” where we tackled key challenges in the building ecosystem, from materials and climate resilience to energy efficiency. We’re already looking forward to the 2025 Wao Summit in Queenstown and Wānaka.
Our team at EAS was also actively involved in Wao’s community engagement and education initiatives, including the “How to Run a Sustainable Event” workshop. Co-hosted with Queenstown Lakes District Council and Wastebusters, this workshop showcased the power of collaboration to make events more eco-friendly.
Additionally, Wao’s “This is How We Build” campaign, has made a significant impact in raising awareness about building waste in Wanaka—an important conversation for all communities.
For updates on Wao 2025 and other initiaitves, follow them on Facebook and LinkedIn.
Rewiring Aotearoa: Sparking Change Across the Country
A special mention goes to local client, Mike Casey, whose exceptional work with Rewiring Aotearoa has gained continued recognition. We are incredibly proud to have supported Mike in his mission to drive positive change for a more sustainable future. His work is inspiring, and we look forward to seeing the next steps for Rewiring Aotearoa!
Learn more about Mike’s incredible efforts by visiting Rewiring Aotearoa.
Supporting the Black Magic Women Cycling Club
We’re also thrilled to continue our support for the Black Magic Women’s Cycling Club, a group of dedicated young athletes who are achieving amazing things. Since 2020, Environmental Accounting Services has supported this team, and it has been incredible to see their progress both on the track and as individuals. This past year marked significant milestones in their racing achievements, both locally in Aotearoa NZ and internationally.
We encourage you to get behind these talented athletes as they set their sights on even greater success in 2025. Learn more about their journey and consider supporting them through a donation by visiting their website.
We participated in a number of conferences this year, with a couple of highlights I’d like to share:
E Tipu Summit Highlights: Innovation, Sustainability, and Connection
We attended the E Tipu: The New Zealand Future Food and Fibre Summit. Key takeaways included:
Mike Casey’s compelling graph on embodied emissions in New Zealand’s export products and supply chain considerations from Rewiring Aotearoa.
A surprising and delicious treat: cauliflower ice cream from EatKinda! A hit even with our lactose-intolerant team member—thanks to Mrinali Kumar and the team.
Inspiration from many female leaders in agriculture and sustainability, whose insights were both energising and motivating.
It was an enriching experience to connect, learn, and share insights with so many passionate individuals. Looking forward to the next one.
Panel on Market Drivers for Agricultural Emissions Reductions at NZACCC24
Earlier this month, I had the pleasure of participating in the panel at the New Zealand Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Research Centre’s conference on market drivers for agricultural emissions reductions. The focus was on the growing importance of sustainability and robust data reporting, with over 80% of New Zealand’s exports now subject to mandatory climate disclosure. The event was insightful and filled with engaging conversations from an exceptional lineup of speakers.
Top Posts for 2024
As we look ahead to 2025, several key topics are driving important discussions in the world of emissions reduction and sustainable agriculture. From the complexities of methane abatement to the tools that help producers assess their carbon footprint, these posts highlight the ongoing efforts to create a more sustainable future. Here are some of the top highlights:
The Methane Debate: Navigating New Zealand’s Agricultural Emission Reductions
A recent report by three key New Zealand agricultural organisations challenges the scientific consensus on methane’s global warming potential. The report argues that a 15% reduction in methane emissions could achieve climate neutrality, questioning the current GWP100 metric. This sparks important discussions on the complexities of environmental metrics in emission reduction strategies.
Expanding Emissions Calculators to New Zealand: A Collaboration with Ruminati
We helped Ruminati expand their online emissions calculator to New Zealand, providing local farmers with a tool to assess and reduce emissions. This collaboration aims to support farmers in adopting more sustainable practices.
Understanding the Difference Between an NZU and a VCU
Curious about the distinction between New Zealand Units (NZUs) and Verified Carbon Units (VCUs)? This post explains the key differences and their relevance in carbon markets, helping you navigate emissions reduction tools effectively.
Crafting Carbon Literacy: Developing MLA’s Carbon EDGE Training Manual
We worked with Meat & Livestock Australia (MLA) to create the Carbon EDGE training manual, a vital resource designed to improve carbon literacy within the agriculture sector and assist in transitioning to lower emissions practices.
New Zealand’s Journey Towards Lower Emissions Agriculture
Explore New Zealand’s path toward sustainable agricultural practices aimed at reducing emissions. This article examines the challenges and innovations shaping the country’s lower-carbon farming future.
Looking Ahead
As we wrap up 2024, we are taking a short break from 20 December, returning on 6 January 2025. In the meantime, we thank you for your continued support on this journey towards a more sustainable future.
We hope these updates and insights have been both informative and inspiring. We’re excited to continue bringing you important climate news and developments in the coming year. Stay connected with us on LinkedIn and subscribe to our mailing list for timely updates and insights.
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable holiday season. See you in 2025!