How Active Massage Cut Their Carbon Footprint by 59%

Witnessing the impacts of climate change firsthand in her native home of Florida, Gray Campbell understands the severe effects it can have on a beautiful environment. This experience has fuelled her mission to align her personal values with a growing recognition of the need for businesses to take responsibility for their environmental impact. As the owner of Active Massage, a well-regarded massage therapy business in Wanaka, Gray is dedicated to reducing her company’s carbon footprint.

Over the past year*, Gray has achieved remarkable results, reducing her business’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 59%*. This success story demonstrates that even small businesses can make a substantial impact with the right support and guidance.

Gray’s Commitment to Sustainability

Since moving to Wanaka in 2005, Gray has observed the increasing effects of tourism and pollution on Central Otago’s environment. Her experiences in Florida have made her acutely aware of the urgent need for environmental action. “We have to take responsibility and ensure we preserve our beautiful surroundings. Understanding our carbon footprint as a business is crucial, especially in Wānaka, where the natural environment is central to both our community and economy.”

“Maintaining clean water in Wānaka is essential to preserving the health of our ecosystems and ensuring future generations can continue to enjoy the lakes and rivers that make this region so unique and vital to our community’s well-being,” Gray emphasises.

Gray Campbell “Understanding our carbon footprint as a business is crucial, especially in Wānaka, where the natural environment is central to both our community and economy”.


Key Changes Implemented

Gray’s journey towards a greener business involved several impactful changes:

  •       Energy Transition: Gray switched to a 100% renewable energy provider, making an immediate and significant reduction in her scope 2 emissions.
  •       Vehicle Upgrade: She replaced her diesel vehicle with a smaller, more fuel-efficient petrol car, aligning with her sustainability goals and cutting emissions.
  •       Travel Reduction: By limiting work-related travel and conferences, Gray significantly lowered the associated emissions.
  •       Bulk Purchasing: Active Massage now buys products in bulk, reducing shipment frequency and cutting transportation emissions.
  •       Active Transport: Gray adopted biking as a regular mode of transport for her and her team, further reducing the business’s carbon footprint.
  •       Supplier Engagement: She encouraged suppliers to track and report their emissions, enhancing the accuracy of the overall supply chain footprint.

A New Way of Thinking

Gray embarked on her sustainability journey by enrolling in a two-part GHG accounting workshop through Environmental Accounting Services (EAS). This workshop uncovered often-overlooked sources of greenhouse gas emissions in businesses and provided practical strategies for tracking and reducing her business’s emissions.

During this transition, Gray faced several challenges. Prioritising environmental impact required a shift in mindset. For example, she initially believed that staying in hotels was the most eco-friendly choice that supported a circular economy while travelling. She later discovered that staying with friends was a much more sustainable option. Additionally, Gray tackled the problem of single-use plastics by switching to reusable items, which not only minimised waste but also fostered a culture of sustainability within her business.

Dr Carly Green, Director of EAS, highlights that the course is designed to equip businesses with the tools to easily understand and manage their emissions effectively. “Some changes, like switching to a renewable electricity provider, are straightforward and impactful,” Carly explains. “Others may involve deeper, foundational shifts. However, even the smallest action is a step in the right direction. Everyone needs to start somewhere to make a meaningful difference.”

The success of Active Massage demonstrates that meaningful environmental change is within reach for businesses of all sizes


The Impact of EAS Training

The GHG accounting course was instrumental in these changes. “Carly’s training was incredibly accessible and practical,” says Gray. “The course gave us the tools to understand and manage our emissions effectively. Some changes, like switching energy providers, were simpler than I expected.”

Inspired by the course, Active Massage now contributes 1% of its revenue to local environmental initiatives through the Love Wanaka program, demonstrating a strong commitment to community support.

Looking Ahead and A Call to Action

Gray is determined to continue advancing her business’s sustainability efforts and encourages other small businesses to do the same. “By actively reducing our environmental impact, we help preserve the uniqueness of this region, ensuring that it remains a vibrant, sustainable destination for generations to come. Small actions can have a big impact, and our commitment to the environment is part of how we give back to the place we’re so fortunate to call home.” 

Her advice: “Just get started. Know your greenhouse gas footprint number and take the necessary steps to reduce it. It’s easier than you might think, and the benefits are tremendous.”

The success of Active Massage demonstrates that meaningful environmental change is within reach for businesses of all sizes. By adopting practical measures and seeking expert guidance, even small businesses can make a significant impact. Gray’s dedication to reducing her business’s carbon footprint sets a powerful precedent, showing that commitment to sustainability can drive substantial positive change.

*The reduction compares the 23/24 FY footprint to the previous financial year (22/23)

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