Monthly Roundup Newsletter

Welcome to my roundup newsletter. In this issue, you’ll find insights on the latest developments in the voluntary carbon market, advancements in global forest monitoring, policy shifts impacting sustainability, and emerging research and innovations that are shaping the future of climate action. Stay connected by following us on LinkedIn and subscribe to our mailing […]
Pioneering Sustainable Fisheries: Moana New Zealand’s Journey to Achieving Science-Based Targets

Moana New Zealand, the largest Māori–owned fisheries company in Aotearoa (New Zealand), has long been a steward of some of the world’s most pristine and sustainably managed fisheries. Committed to the responsible and respectful harvesting of kaimoana (seafood), Moana New Zealand embodies a deep sense of duty toward the taonga (treasures) they are entrusted with. […]
Monthly Roundup Newsletter – September 2024

Welcome to my Monthly Roundup Newsletter! We’re a little late with September’s roundup, as it’s been a busy few weeks, but just like taking action on climate change—better late than never! Each month, I’ll bring you updates that have piqued my and my team’s interest on key developments, articles, and important information related to climate […]
How Active Massage Cut Their Carbon Footprint by 59%

Witnessing the impacts of climate change firsthand in her native home of Florida, Gray Campbell understands the severe effects it can have on a beautiful environment. This experience has fuelled her mission to align her personal values with a growing recognition of the need for businesses to take responsibility for their environmental impact. As the […]
New Zealand’s journey towards lower emissions agriculture

Discover how New Zealand’s agricultural sector is shifting through collective efforts and Science-Based Targets.
WAO Wanaka

WAO Wanaka Based in the Southern Lakes region in New Zealand, Wao is a charitable trust dedicated to educating, inspiring and enabling New Zealand communities to accelerate beyond not just a sustainable future, but one where people give back more than they take. WAO Wanaka Based in the Southern Lakes region in New Zealand, Wao […]