The impact of the Green Machine on food waste emissions

EAS were approached by the innovative Green Machine to assist in understanding how their product could help businesses reduce food waste, decrease their carbon footprint, and save money. As avid supporters of innovative solutions that encourage businesses to reduce their greenhouse gas footprint, we were eager to assist. If your business or organisation deals with […]
WAI Wanaka

Promoting Aotearoa New Zealand as clean, green, and pristine is becoming increasingly challenging due to ecological issues caused by climate change and human activity. In Wānaka, a passionate group called WAI Wānaka aims to safeguard and enhance water quality, ecosystem function, and biodiversity in the Upper Clutha basin. They work closely with individuals, community groups, […]
How New Zealand ski fields are doing their bit to tackle climate change

Ski Areas Association of New Zealand (SAANZ) comprises most of New Zealand’s commercial and club ski fields. The group collaborates on industry-wide initiatives, advocacy and lobbying on behalf of all members. The Challenge As an industry whose future viability is threatened by climate change, SAANZ put together a sustainability group to investigate what action they […]
WAO Wanaka

WAO Wanaka Based in the Southern Lakes region in New Zealand, Wao is a charitable trust dedicated to educating, inspiring and enabling New Zealand communities to accelerate beyond not just a sustainable future, but one where people give back more than they take. WAO Wanaka Based in the Southern Lakes region in New Zealand, Wao […]