Monthly Roundup Newsletter

Welcome to my roundup newsletter. In this issue, you’ll find insights on the latest developments in the voluntary carbon market, advancements in global forest monitoring, policy shifts impacting sustainability, and emerging research and innovations that are shaping the future of climate action. Stay connected by following us on LinkedIn and subscribe to our mailing […]
Monthly Roundup Newsletter – September 2024

Welcome to my Monthly Roundup Newsletter! We’re a little late with September’s roundup, as it’s been a busy few weeks, but just like taking action on climate change—better late than never! Each month, I’ll bring you updates that have piqued my and my team’s interest on key developments, articles, and important information related to climate […]
Enhancing Carbon and Energy Management Training: A Success Story with Carbon Energy Professionals

As the need for expertise in climate change and energy management grows, Carbon Energy Professionals (CEP), a leader in carbon and energy management training, recognised the need to expand their certification offerings to meet the rising demand for education in this space, along with flexible, digital learning solutions. Due to our extensive experience developing and […]
Carly’s monthly roundup – August 2024

Welcome to My First Monthly Roundup Newsletter! Welcome to the first edition of my Monthly Roundup Newsletter. Each month, I’ll bring you updates that have piqued my interest on key developments, articles, and important information related to climate change mitigation, emissions management and reduction, sustainability and more in the climate change space. In this issue, […]
EAS’ work with the Global Forest Observations Initiative

EAS employees have been working with GFOI since 2014, through support provided by the Australian Government and more recently from the US Silvacarbon Program and directly from the GFOI office (the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization).
WAI Wānaka’s mission for cleaner waterways: a collaborative case study

By pioneering a holistic approach to environmental monitoring and community engagement, WAI Wānaka exemplifies the positive impact that collaboration between passionate community groups and expert organisations like EAS can have on environmental conservation efforts.
EAS’ Work on National Forest Monitoring Systems

Supporting developing nations to gain access to results-based payments As the world continues to grapple with climate change, actions that reduce emissions are vital to achieving emission reduction targets. Through collaboration between governments, organizations, and consulting firms like EAS, the development of clear and effective national monitoring systems and measurement, reporting and verification processes will […]